


作者:Aman Chiu 著


請點選 聆聽 MP3 音檔

1My Head頭部Page 1201.mp3
2My Body身體Page 1402.mp3
3My Family家庭Page 1603.mp3
4Body Organs身體器官Page 1804_new.mp3
5People Who Help Us社區好幫手Page 2005.mp3
6Jobs職業Page 2206.mp3
7Zodiac Signs生肖與星座Page 2407.mp3
8Illnesses and Body Pains疾病與痛楚Page 2608.mp3
9Living Room客廳Page 3009.mp3
10Kitchen廚房Page 3210.mp3
11Household Tools家庭用具Page 3411.mp3
12Tableware餐具Page 3612.mp3
13Bathroom浴室Page 3813.mp3
14Bedroom睡房Page 4014.mp3
15Watching TV看電視Page 4215.mp3
16My School Bag書包Page 4616.mp3
17At a Stationery Shop文具店Page 4817.mp3
18School學校Page 5018.mp3
19Classroom課室Page 5219.mp3
20Library圖書館Page 5420.mp3
21School Subjects學科Page 5621.mp3
22Chinese中文科Page 5822.mp3
23English英文科Page 6023.mp3
24Mathematics數學科Page 6224.mp3
25History歷史Page 6425.mp3
26Colours and Shapes顏色和形狀Page 6626.mp3
27Music音樂課Page 6827.mp3
28Drama戲劇Page 7028.mp3
29Moral Education品德教育Page 7229.mp3
30P E體育課Page 7430.mp3
31Computer Studies 電腦課Page 7631.mp3
32Breakfast早餐Page 8032.mp3
33Bakery餅店Page 8233.mp3
34Cha Chaan Teng茶餐廳Page 8434.mp3
35Yum Cha飲茶Page 8635.mp3
36Street Food街頭小吃Page 8836.mp3
37Fast Food快餐Page 9037.mp3
38Japanese Food日本料理Page 9238.mp3
39Western Dinner西餐Page 9439.mp3
40Chinese Sweet Soups中式糖水Page 9640.mp3
41Fruit水果Page 9841.mp3
42Vegetables蔬菜Page 10042.mp3
43At the Fishmonger’s魚店Page 10243.mp3
44Clothes衣服Page 10644.mp3
45Clothes and Accessories衣物配飾Page 10845.mp3
46Newspaper Kiosk報攤Page 11046.mp3
47Supermarket超級市場Page 11247.mp3
48At the Checkout收銀台Page 11448.mp3
49At the Hair Salon理髮店Page 11649.mp3
50Going to Church上教堂Page 11850.mp3
51At the Clinic診所Page 12051.mp3
52Seeing a TCM Doctor看中醫Page 12252.mp3
53At a Dental Clinic牙醫Page 12453.mp3
54Places in Town城市Page 12854.mp3
55Means of Transport陸上交通工具Page 13055.mp3
56Taking the Bus坐巴士Page 13256.mp3
57Taking the Train坐火車Page 13457.mp3
58Aircraft, Boats and Ships交通工具Page 13658.mp3
59Types of Houses房屋Page 13859.mp3
60Government Departments政府部門Page 14060.mp3
61At the Airport機場Page 14261.mp3
62On the Plane在航班上Page 14462.mp3
63Hotel酒店Page 14663.mp3
64At the Playground遊樂場Page 15064.mp3
65Parts of a Computer電腦Page 15265.mp3
66The Olympic Games奧林匹克運動會Page 15466.mp3
67Night Market夜市Page 15667.mp3
68Cinema電影院Page 15868.mp3
69Toys and Games玩具與遊戲Page 16069.mp3
70Circus Jobs馬戲團Page 16270.mp3
71At the Swimming Pool游泳池Page 16471.mp3
72On the Beach海灘Page 16672.mp3
73Fairy Tale童話世界Page 16873.mp3
74Theme Park 主題公園Page 17074.mp3
75Places of Interest in Hong Kong香港名勝Page 17275.mp3
76Geography地理Page 17676.mp3
77Sea Animals海洋生物Page 17877.mp3
78Pets and Animal Parts寵物和動物身體Page 18078.mp3
79The Countryside郊外Page 18279.mp3
80Insects昆蟲Page 18480.mp3
81Birds鳥類Page 18681.mp3
82Reptiles and Amphibians爬蟲類和兩棲類Page 18882.mp3
83Wild Animals野生動物Page 19083.mp3
84Farm Animals農莊動物Page 19284.mp3
85The Weather天氣Page 19485.mp3
86Natural Wonders世界自然奇景Page 19686.mp3
87Time時間Page 20087.mp3
88Days, Months and Seasons日、月與季節Page 20288.mp3
89A Birthday Party生日派對Page 20489.mp3
90Chinese New Year農曆新年Page 20690.mp3
91Mid Autumn Festival中秋節Page 20891.mp3
92Halloween萬聖節前夜Page 21092.mp3
93Christmas聖誕節Page 21293.mp3
94Science科學Page 21694.mp3
95Believe It or Not奇趣博物館Page 21895.mp3
96Museum of Natural History自然博物館Page 22096.mp3
97Space Museum太空館Page 22297.mp3
98Land and Sea on our Earth七大洲五大洋Page 22698.mp3
99Countries國家Page 22899.mp3
100Nationality國籍Page 230100.mp3